No a la enajenación de ideas políticas en el Odinismo/No to the alienation of political ideas in Odinism
Hails jah Haila.
ᚺᚨᛁᛚᛊ ᛃᚨᚺ ᚺᚨᛁᛚᚨ.
𐌷𐌰𐌹𐌻𐍃 𐌾𐌰𐌷 𐌷𐌰𐌹𐌻𐌰.
Haila Frijonds jah Frijonjos Meina!
ᚺᚨᛁᛚᚨ ᚠᚱᛁᛃᛟᚾᛞᛊ ᛃᚨᚺ ᚠᚱᛁᛃᛟᚾᛃᛟᛊ ᛗᛖᛁᚾᚨ!.
𐌷𐌰𐌹𐌻𐍃 𐍆𐍂𐌹𐌾𐍉𐌽𐌳𐍃 𐌾𐌰𐌷 𐍆𐍂𐌹𐌾𐍉𐌽𐌹𐍉𐍃 𐌼𐌴𐌹𐌽𐌰.
(Primera publicación: 7 de abril del 2015)
Cualquiera que siga el Odinismo u otra rama del Heathendom Germánico Nórdico, debe ser apolítico.
Debe quedar manifestado el rechazo total de la política en cualquier grupo, celula o movimiento Heathen que empiece, ya que estamos en la etapa de reconstrucción y preservación de nuestra espiritualidad.
Nuestros ancestros nos impusan a llevar un clima de respeto, de unión y de aceptarnos como somos, así como respetar las diferencias de cada miembro en estas cuestiones.
Esto es un trabajo diario, no solo de las redes sociales, pues nuestra base es la familia y la tribu, por lo tanto, aquellos individuos que solo manifiestan ideas políticas en busca de seguidores serán alejados de nuestras comunidades y vistos como personas inmaduras, ya que hay muchos lugares para exponer las ideas individuales de cada quien en lo referente a política, mismas que, por su naturaleza, siempre son subjetivas porque están sujetas al contexto social de cada quien.
El Odinismo no es política, eso es lo que olvidan muchos que inician.
Ni de izquierda o derecha, ni fascismo, independentismo, separatismos o monarquismos.
Es un camino ESPIRITUAL que nada tiene que ver tus ideas y preferencias políticas.
Enajenarse por sistemas comunistas o cualquier tendencia ideológica o la forma de actuar de un presidente o partido político es tu decisión personal.
Pero se ve mal que una persona espiritual pierda su tiempo en tonterias de gente inmadura buscando un lugar donde encajar en el mundo y sacar sus frustraciones.
Los Odinistas no somos borregos ni la masa que grita por sus ideales políticos.
Se respetan tus ideas políticas, pero estas no aplican en una Hermandad Odinista.
No traigan sus campañas políticas a nuestros hogares y familias.
Ser Odinista es vivir la tradición, hacerla nuestra y legarla a nuestros
Nuestra fe está mas allá de sistemas politicos, esta situada en nuestros
corazones, en lo mas profundo de nuestro espíritu.
Familia, Hermandad, eso es lo que reconocemos como portadores de valores, siendo
preservadores modernos de una antigua Tradición, que día con día va
evolucionando a cada paso que damos.
Solo esta experiencia grupal y personal nos dará la fuerza de la sabiduría que iremos
ganando poco apoco
Aprendamos los unos de los otros y sigamos comunicando nuestra
espiritualidad, pero siempre libre de cosas ajenas a nuestro sendero.
Odinismo nada tiene que ver con política, por lo tanto, si tu grupo parece más una reunión política, AHÍ NO ES.
(First published: April 7, 2015)
Anyone who follows Odinism or another branch of Nordic Germanic Heathendom must be apolitical.
The total rejection of politics must be manifested in any Heathen group, cell or movement that begins, since we are in the stage of reconstruction and preservation of our spirituality.
Our ancestors forced us to bring a climate of respect, union and accept ourselves as we are, as well as respect the differences of each member in these matters.
This is a daily job, not only of social networks, because our base is the family and the tribe, therefore, those individuals who only express political ideas in search of followers will be removed from our communities and seen as immature people, since that there are many places to expose the individual ideas of each person in relation to politics, which, by their nature, are always subjective because they are subject to the social context of each person.
Odinism is not politics, that is what many beginners forget.
Neither left nor right, nor fascism, independence, separatism or monarchism.
It is a SPIRITUAL path that has nothing to do with your ideas and political preferences.
Being alienated by communist systems or any ideological tendency or the way of acting of a president or political party is your personal decision.
But it looks bad for a spiritual person to waste their time on the nonsense of immature people looking for a place to fit into the world and take out their frustrations.
We Odinists are not sheep or the mass that shouts for its political ideals.
Your political ideas are respected, but they do not apply in an Odinist Brotherhood.
Do not bring your political campaigns into our homes and families.
To be an Odinist is to live the tradition, make it ours and pass it on to our
Our faith is beyond political systems, it is situated in our hearts in the depths of our
spiritFamily, Brotherhood, is to recognize ourselves, as carriers of values,
being modern preservers, of an ancient tradition, which day by day goes evolving, with every step we take, that only this experience group and personal will give us the strength of wisdom that we will go earning little by little with every step we take, that only this experience group and personal will give us the strength of wisdom that we will go Earning little by little.
spiritFamily, Brotherhood, is to recognize ourselves, as carriers of values,
being modern preservers, of an ancient tradition, which day by day goes evolving, with every step we take, that only this experience group and personal will give us the strength of wisdom that we will go earning little by little with every step we take, that only this experience group and personal will give us the strength of wisdom that we will go Earning little by little.
With every step we take, that only this experience group and personal will give
us the strength of wisdom that we will go earning step by step in our path.
Let's learn from each other and keep communicating, our spirituality, free from things alien to
Odinism has nothing to do with politics and mixing it up warns you that it's not there.
Hail Wodanaz, Gaut, Oðinn.
Gutane Jer Weihailag.
ᚷᚢᛏᚨᚾᛖ ᛃᛖᚱ ᚹᛖᛁᚺᚨᛁᛚᚨᚷ.